Part of our mission is to provide an environment that each individual child feels they are an important part of.
Contact us for pricing and availability
​Toddler Classroom
The toddler room is for children 16 months to 32 months.
Our toddler room is designed to nurture learning and support growth. We will support children’s needs in a caring environment through love, positive speaking, one on one attention, and provide activities that will promote the child’s development and exploration. Children will learn how to play in a group and individually, how to share, and how to use their manners. Smaller tasks include using a spoon, throwing a ball, climbing, turning pages in books, and many other things. We will also introduce children to the potty. We do this when children are ready and they feel comfortable using the toilet.
Parents/guardians will be informed daily by an activity board on which the teacher will post the day’s events and activities. Parents/guardians will also know what their child is doing throughout the day via the Brightwheel App.

Preschool Classroom
The preschool room is for children 33 months to 5 years.
Our preschool room is designed with challenging toys and activities for the children’s young minds. Your child will learn and have hands on experience with art, science, games, music, books, puzzles, language, and more. One of our objectives is to teach kindergarten readiness which includes learning manners, washing hands, recognizing our name, knowing our colors, shapes, days of the week, months of the year, letters, and numbers. Some other objectives include learning not to talk to strangers and other important life long skills. We will also work on self help skills such as how to put on our coats, shoes, snow pants, boots, hats, and mittens.
Parents/guardians will be informed daily by an activity board on which the teacher will post the day’s events and activities. Parents/guardians will also know what their child is doing throughout the day via the Brightwheel App.